The earliest published collection of Swahili proverbs is African Aphorisms, by W. E. Taylor (1891). This remains the richest source, and every subsequent collection has paid homage to it. It contains 636 Swahili aphorisms, and a few from Nyika, Taita and Uganda. Sacleux’s Dictionnaire Swahili-Francais (1939) and Velten’s Prosa und poesie der Suaheli (1907) were also invaluable. The major sources, and their abbreviations, follow. They are repeated in the listing online, which gives more complete details of publication.

A   Ashton, Swahili Grammar
B   Bull, Tusome Kiswahili
CM   Meinhof, Die Sprache der Suaheli in Deutsch-Ostafrika
ED Dammann, “Sprichworter aus Lamu”
EM  Meena, Misemo
F   Farsi, Swahili Sayings from Zanzibar
FK  Fred Kanali (co-worker)
FSM   Fasihi – simulizi ya mtanzania: Methali
Hollingsworth, Advanced Swahili Exercises
HM  Hassan Marshad (co-worker)
Holiday  Pei, “Swahili”
Ingrams   Ingrams, Zanzibar: Its History and Its People
Johnson, A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary
JK  Knappert, “On Swahili Proverbs”
KB  Kajiga Balihuta, Dictionnaire de la Langue Swahili
L   Loogman, Swahili Grammar and Syntax
MA   Mohammad Abasheikh (co-worker)
MARA    Abudu, Methali za Kiswahili: maana na matumizi
MEM  Mnyampala, “Kito cha hekima, Gem of wisdom”
MM   Maryam Marshad (co-worker)
MP  Articles from Bulletin des juridictions indigenes et du droit coutumier congolais (see Cornet and Lecoste in bibliography)
MS Saidi, Fani mbali mbali za Kiswahili
Mulika Mulika
NS   Bulcke, “Negerspreuken”
Polome, Swahili Language Handbook
PVP  van Pelt, Bantu Customs in Mainland Tanzania
Racial proverbs Champion, Racial Proverbs
RECH    Rechenbach, Swahili-English Dictionary
RSP  Knappert, “Rhyming Swahili Proverbs”
SACL Sacleux, Dictionnaire Swahili-francais
SAM  Mohamed, Vito vya hekima, simo na maneno ya mshangao
Seti b. Mpinga  Mbonde, Seti Benjamin Mpinga
Steere Steere, Swahili Exercises
SWA   Salim, Swahili Basic Course
SWHL  Kiswahili
Taylor, African Aphorisms
TNR    Tanzania Notes and Records
V       Velten, Prosa und Poesie der Suaheli and Suaheli-Worterbuch
WIKON  Nyasulu, “Wikondeji”
Z           Zawawi, Kiswahili kwa Kitendo